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Nest Curved Bumper
SKU: V165-CB

Ease Custom, Nest Collections

T1V165-CB Jackpot Chalk_Wheat side T1V165-CB. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165-CB Jackpot Chalk_Wheat ang T1V165-CB. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165-CB Jackpot Chalk_Wheat HO T1V165-CB. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165-CB_T1V165-FA Jackpot Chalk_Wheat side alt T1V165-CB & T1V165-FA. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165-CB_T1V165-FA Jackpot Chalk_Wheat ang alt T1V165-CB & T1V165-FA. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165-CB_T1V165-FA Jackpot Chalk_Wheat HO T1V165-CB & T1V165-FA. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
T1V165 Sectional Jackpot Chalk_Wheat T1V165 Sectional. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat. (Shown: Curved Bumper, 2 Quarter Bumpers, Rectangular Bumper, Square Bumper, Angled Bumper, Floating Arm, 2 Curved Floating Pillows, 2 Rectangular Floating Pillows, Angled Floating Pillow)
T1V165 Sectional Jackpot Chalk_Wheat no pillows T1V165 Sectional. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat. (Shown: Curved Bumper, 2 Quarter Bumpers, Rectangular Bumper, Square Bumper, Angled Bumper)
REV_V165-CB_P592N1-IO_P591K-IO_P592N2-IO_V994-OT V165-CB -Nest Curved Bumper (Ease Custom). Fabric: Jordan Spa. Finish: Wheat V165-RFP - Nest Rectangle Floating Pillow (Ease Custom). Fabric: Jordan Spa. P592N1-IO - Reveal Stocked Nightstand. Finish: Navajo on case; Snowdrift Raffia on faces. Three Drawers, Wood Bar Hardware (hardware finish matches case finish). P591K-IO - Reveal Stocked King Bed. Finish: Navajo on frame and base; Snowdrift Raffia on headboard and footboard. V994-OT - Wissen Ottomans (2 shown). Fabric: Harlan Tan. Finish: Film Noir. P592N2-IO - Reveal Stocked Nightstand Finish: Navajo on case; Snowdrift Raffia on faces. Three Drawers, Wood Bar Hardware (hardware finish matches case finish).
T1V165-CB Jackpot Chalk_Wheat side
T1V165-CB. Fabric: Jackpot Chalk. Finish: Wheat.
*Images shown do not always reflect standard product details. Upcharges may apply to nail trim, nail placement, hardware finishes, wood finishes or additional pillows. Please refer to the product summary details for standard options and upcharges to ensure accurate pricing.
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Nest Curved Bumper
SKU: V165-CB

Ease Custom, Nest Collections


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