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Personalized Ottoman

Make It Yours, MIY Ottomans, Vanguard Collections

V52R8XPO Owen Palm HO V52R8XPO Make It Yours 52" Rectangular Ottoman. Fabric: no longer available. Nail Trim: #9 Nickel. Finish: Pure White. Spool Leg, Plain Top, Single Row Nail Trim.
V52R8XPO Owen Palm ang V52R8XPO Make It Yours 52" Rectangular Ottoman. Fabric: no longer available. Nail Trim: #9 Nickel. Finish: Pure White. Spool Leg, Plain Top, Single Row Nail Trim.
AB_655-2S_V52R8XPO_V956-CH 655-2S Newlin Sofa (American Bungalow). Fabric: Neve Cloud; two standard 12”x23” arm bolsters (lipstitch) and two extra* MP8 pillows - fabrics no longer available. Metal Cylinder Legs in Satin Brass. V52R8XPO Make It Yours 52" Rectangular Ottoman. Fabric: no longer available. Nail Trim: #9 Nickel. Finish: Pure White. Spool Leg, Plain Top, Single Row Nail Trim.
*Images shown do not always reflect standard product details. Upcharges may apply to nail trim, nail placement, hardware finishes, wood finishes or additional pillows. Please refer to the product summary details for standard options and upcharges to ensure accurate pricing.

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