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Thea Slipcovered Sectional
Thom Filicia Home Collection
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MS150SEC Thea Slipcovered Sectional: MS150-LAS Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Sofa, MS150-RCS Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Corner Sofa. Fabric: Inlet Optic White.
VG_MS150-CH_P290ET-LH_P290C-DA_MS150-LAS MS150-CH Thea Slipcovered Muslin Chair (Custom Ease). Fabric: Inlet Optic White. MS150-LAS Thea Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Sofa (Custom Ease). Fabric: Tideway Bone; one standard 7"x21" arm pillow (2" border plain stitch). P290C Ridge Round Cocktail Table. Finish: Cascade. Honed White Stone Top, Wirebrushed Oak Solids and Veneers.
VG_MS150-RCS_P290C-DA MS150-RCS Thea Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Corner Sofa. Fabric: Tideway Bone; one standard 7"x21" arm pillow (2" border plain stitch). Shown with two extra* MPS21 pillows (no welt, plain seam) in Lyssa Teal; one extra* MP136 sphere pillow in Vault Breeze; one extra* MP137 sphere pillow in Vault Forest; one extra* MPS23 pillow in Vault Forest. P290C Ridge Round Cocktail Table. Finish: Cascade. Honed White Stone Top, Wirebrushed Oak Solids and Veneers.
VG_V129-SW_P290ET-LH_P290C-DA_MS150-LAS_MS150-RCS_P558E-US V129-SW Ella Swivel Chair (Custom Ease). Fabric: Alto Snow. MS150-LAS Thea Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Sofa (Custom Ease). Fabric: Tideway Bone; one standard 7"x21" arm pillow (2" border plain stitch). MS150-RCS Thea Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Corner Sofa. Fabric: Tideway Bone; one standard 7"x21" arm pillow (2" border plain stitch). Shown with two extra* MPS21 pillows (no welt, plain seam) in Lyssa Teal; one extra* MP136 sphere pillow in Vault Breeze; one extra* MP137 sphere pillow in Vault Forest; one extra* MPS23 pillow in Vault Forest. P558E-US Soleil Spot Table (no longer available). Finish: Stone White. P290C Ridge Round Cocktail Table. Finish: Cascade. Honed White Stone Top, Wirebrushed Oak Solids and Veneers.
*Images shown do not always reflect standard product details. Upcharges may apply to nail trim, nail placement, hardware finishes, wood finishes or additional pillows. Please refer to the product summary details for standard options and upcharges to ensure accurate pricing.
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Thea Slipcovered Sectional
Thom Filicia Home Collection
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Thea Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Sofa MS150-LAS
Overall: W 82.5 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 78.5 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Corner Sofa MS150-RCS
Overall: W 92.5 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 74.5 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Sofa MS150-RAS
Overall: W 82.5 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 78.5 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Loveseat MS150-LAL
Overall: W 56 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 52 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Right Arm Loveseat MS150-RAL
Overall: W 56 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 52 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Armless Chair MS150-AC
Overall: W 26.5 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 26.5 D 22.5 H 14
Seat: H 19
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Left Arm Corner Sofa MS150-LCS
Overall: W 92.5 D 37 H 33
Inside: W 74.5 D 22.5 H 14
Arm: H 24.5
Seat: H 19
Thea Stocked Sofa T2V150-2S
Thea Stocked Chair T2V150-CH
Thea Bench Seat Sofa V150-1S
Thea Two Seat Sofa V150-2S
Thea Armless Chair V150-AC
Thea Corner Chair V150-CC
Thea Chair V150-CH
Thea Left Arm Chaise V150-LAH
Thea Left Arm Loveseat V150-LAL
Thea Left Arm Sofa V150-LAS
Thea Left Arm Corner Sofa V150-LCS
Thea Ottoman V150-OT
Thea Right Arm Chaise V150-RAH
Thea Right Arm Loveseat V150-RAL
Thea Right Arm Sofa V150-RAS
Thea Right Arm Corner Sofa V150-RCS
Thea Sofa V150-S
Thea Swivel Chair V150-SW
Thea Ottoman V150R-OT
Thea Ottoman V150S-OT
Thea Leather Bench Seat Sofa L150-1S
Thea Leather Two Seat Sofa L150-2S
Thea Leather Armless Chair L150-AC
Thea Leather Corner Chair L150-CC
Thea Leather Chair L150-CH
Thea Leather Left Arm Chaise L150-LAH
Thea Leather Left Arm Loveseat L150-LAL
Thea Leather Left Arm Sofa L150-LAS
Thea Leather Left Arm Corner Sofa L150-LCS
Thea Leather Ottoman L150-OT
Thea Leather Right Arm Chaise L150-RAH
Thea Leather Right Arm Loveseat L150-RAL
Thea Leather Right Arm Sofa L150-RAS
Thea Leather Right Arm Corner Sofa L150-RCS
Thea Leather Sofa L150-S
Thea Leather Swivel Chair L150-SW
Thea Leather Ottoman L150R-OT
Thea Leather Ottoman L150S-OT
Thea Two Seat Slipcovered Muslin Sofa MS150-2S
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Chair MS150-CH
Thea Slipcovered Muslin Ottoman MS150-OT
Thea Sofa Slipcover S150-2S
Thea Chair Slipcover S150-CH
Thea Left Arm Loveseat Slipcover S150-LAL
Thea Left Arm Sofa Slipcover S150-LAS
Thea Left Arm Corner Sofa Slipcover S150-LCS
Thea Ottoman Slipcover S150-OT
Thea Left Arm Loveseat Slipcover S150-RAL
Thea Left Arm Sofa Slipcover S150-RAS
Thea Left Arm Corner Sofa Slipcover S150-RCS
Thea Swivel Chair Slipcover S150-SW

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